When you work with a script-driven app on your website and all of the content that you create is stored in a database, your website hosting package needs to include ample database storage space, so that you can make certain that even when your website expands, you will not experience any sort of difficulties as a consequence of the shortage of storage space. PostgreSQL is an example of a well-liked database management system that's used for numerous scalable web apps and if you're looking for enhanced performance and security for your site, it is very likely that you'll employ this solution. With this in mind, you will need a hosting plan that will not limit your online presence, particularly if you want to run a number of websites and each of them functions with PostgreSQL databases.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Cloud Web Hosting

We provide a variety of cloud web hosting in order to offer you an option to pick the functions that you actually need and not pay extra for functions that you'll never use. That's why, the PostgreSQL storage space is an additional improvement which you'll be able to add through your Hepsia Control Panel for some of the packages; with others you will receive a certain allowance, while with the high-end packages you receive unrestricted database storage space. As you can quickly switch between the packages or upgrade certain attributes, you can start with a lower-end one and then upgrade when you need to host PostgreSQL-driven sites. Of course, if you would like to create such a website from the very beginning, you are able to choose the most appropriate package which comes with PostgreSQL support as standard.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you get one of our semi-dedicated servers, you will be able to manage PostgreSQL websites without worrying that you will reach any restriction for the size of your databases, for the simple fact that there isn't such a limit. Using our cloud hosting platform, a separate group of servers handles your databases, thus when additional computing power or database storage is necessary at any moment, we just connect extra servers or hard disk drives. Unlike many other suppliers, we don't run everything on a single server. All of our plans are very powerful and make it possible for you to operate heavy, resource-consuming sites, so we have ensured that the PostgreSQL database storage feature matches the rest of the attributes. The Hepsia web hosting Control Panel which comes with the semi-dedicated accounts allows you to see the size of each and every PostgreSQL database that you have as well as the full size of all of the databases, but these numbers will be available exclusively for your information.