Customer Support Channels
A One–Hour Response Time Guarantee
Every single assistance request you submit to us will be replied to within maximum 60 min. In case your trouble ticket or e–mail calls for further assistance from a server administrator, we’ll without delay forward it and leave a note to notify you that your matter is being examined. If you take advantage of the Managed Servers package, all of the server management services included there will be performed at a time of your liking.
A First–Rate Help Desk Service
- We’ll be available to you 24x7x365 to respond to any queries that you may have about our Web Site Control Panel or any of the apps that we have pre–installed on your behalf on the dedicated web hosting server. If you also need assistance tackling server management procedures, take a look at our Managed Servers package, which includes backup hard disk drive storage space, OS updates on a weekly basis, server monitoring and rebooting procedures, as well as software installation and troubleshooting services.
An Intuitive Help Area
Each dedicated server includes our free–of–charge Web Site Control Panel, which sports a circumstantial knowledgebase and a group of educational video tutorials. Whenever you need help while working with the Web Site Control Panel, just click on the Help or Videos buttons located in the top right corner.
Xeon E3 v5
- Dedicated Servers
(per month)
- Xeon E3-1260L V5 2.10 GHz (4 Cores) CPU
- 16 GB RAM
- 2 x 240 GB SSD
- Affordable Domains
- Full plan details
- Full plan details
- Sign Up
Xeon E3 v3
- Dedicated Servers
(per month)
- Xeon E3-1240L V3 2.00 GHz (4 Cores) CPU
- 8 GB RAM
- 2 x 480 GB SSD
- Affordable Domains
- Full plan details
- Full plan details
- Sign Up